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Is LAVOSI a Day school or Residential school?

LAVOSI is a Day School for grades K-6.

Where is LAVOSI located?

Calle Real de Jocotenango, Residenciales El Pedregal #3, Jocotenango, Sacatepéquez

How do I register my Deaf child at LAVOSI?

Contact the School Principal by coming to the school, call or email us.

How can I contact LAVOSI?

You can call, text, or email LAVOSI: 


Telephone / Whatsapp: 502-5739-3452 / 502-4548-7043


Is LAVOSI private and is there tuition?

LAVOSI is an independent (private) school and charges an annual tuition. Please contact the School Principal for additional information. Some students are sponsored by foundations and private individuals who believe Deaf children have a right to a quality education.

What course of study and curriculum do LAVOSI use?

Teachers use the National School Curriculum approved by the Ministry of Education. Students complete their Education at LAVOSI and they continue their education in other schools, Universities or enter the world of work.

What if my Deaf child is behind in school work, can LAVOSI teach my child?

Yes. LAVOSI teachers are fluent in Guatemalan Sign Language, Spanish and experienced teaching students who require assistance to catch up with their peers.

How do students and teachers communicate at LAVOSI?

Students and Teachers use Guatemalan Sign Language, a natural visual language that allows for clear and concise understanding. Teachers also provide instruction in Spanish.

Can I volunteer to help at LAVOSI?

On a regular basis volunteers are placed at LAVOSI. The school has had volunteers from Gallaudet University, the US Peace Corps and from other Institutions. Please complete the attached Spanish or English version of the form at the bottom of this page, email the completed form to Thanks!

How do I donate to support the great work done every day at LAVOSI?

As a non profit independent school, LAVOSI receives no public funding. The students, staff and the school rely heavily on donations. Go to the front page and find the "Make a donation" tab and make a donation from there.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Answers You Need

(+502) 4548-7043 / (+502) 4598-6417

Calle Real de Jocotenango
Residenciales El Pedregal #3
Jocotenango, Sacatepéquez
Guatemala, América Central

LAVOSI © Copyright - 2024. 

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